Sunday 25 September 2011

Suicide Silence again!

Guess what? I have some picture of MITCH LUCKER :'DD Really happy!
On his right is my buddy, PEJA. What a tall man xD I really fucking adore with Mitch's old hair(long and roll like wave. I though :D) And now? OMG! He got new hair stle again :'D What about my hair? I just got into my mind to keep my hair long like him. But? Poor me. Haha. And now my hair is already done like him :') 
But, its okay for me because it is my ''yuck-dream'' to have a long-black shiny hair. Amawgadd =.= Really annoying words just out from my mind --'' I WANNA CUT MY HAIR BACK! I DON'T WANT LONG HAIR T.T IT'S JUST MAKE ME MESSY AND LIKE PSYCHOTIC BITCH X'DD

Saturday 24 September 2011

I Heart Suicide Silence

Assalamuailakum semua 
Huh, dah berapa lama aku tak update kan kan? Dah bersawang agaknye blog aku ni. Haha
Bukan takdek masa, tapi malas mmg jiwa aku. Ngee~ Ini pun tak tahu nak update ape dah.
Lepas siap ja upgrade blog aku ni, rase macam nak update tapi tak tahu tajuk ape. Sengal gila -.-
Macam biase, banyak pict aku nak upload tapi tak sempat lah. Pict time balik Port Dickson pun aku tak update lagi. Hurr~ kenapalah aku terlalu malas? Haa, jawab jawab :D Haha.
Ni nak bercakap pasal Suicide Silence live at MCPA HALL semalam. 
Rugi korang tak pergi baq hang. Crowd habes! HAHA -.- Ceihh, hampeh! Sebenarnye aku tak pergi pun lah.
Member aku, si PEJA yang pergi. Dia siap bergambar dengan MITCH lagi. Wow~
Jeles sey T.T mentang mentang lah aku stay jauh. Haihh. Sokay lah :P
Then dia cakap kat aku, dalam beratus ratus orang tu, just dia and dua orang kawan dia ja yg dapat bergambar dengan MITCH. Untunglah kan peja X'D Takpe lah, dapat tengok gambar MITCH yang asli pun cukuplah :'D Hahah.  Korang yang baca post ni tak tahu sipa Suicide Silence? Jab, aku tunjukkan XD

Wow~ kan? Nak dia! Hahah =.=
Nak tahu yang mana satu MITCH? Jab tau XP

Hensemya dia dengan tatto tu -.-

Ni cara dia nyanyi. Menambat hati aku. Jahaha. Suara jangan nak tanya lah kan. Lagilahgile aku minat.
Rambut dia tu~ Waa, lawa weh >.<
Huh, never mind because one day I wanna meet you again. HERE! IN KL xD
Kbaii :)

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Yellow flower for me :)

Wee~ today was an awesome day dude :) you know what?  Because MR.S give me mini sunflower! Dude, can you imagine that? Can you feel that? Haha. Err, he took that flower from somewhere else lah. Bukan beli mah -.- 
If buy, of course it will be charged rite? HAHA. This one no charged lah. But for me he is so adorable! Haha
I loike~ I felt like want to kiss him, but urghh i just ignore that way. Haha. His GF might kill me also if she know bout this. Haizz ~ cobaan -.- I think, both of us like each other but ego and shy have conquer us. Heheh #maybe# But this my wrongness lah. Why I must love two people in one time? WTF for me! 
This is my trilogy love. Ceewahh -,- sound like bastard.
Anyway peeps, in mahart still got FE mah :) NO kompromi. HAHA.
Seriously, I love both of them but I have crushed many time by MR.S T.T
Like my favorite band say ''I STILL LOVING YOU'' by scorpion. perghh~
Enough said, below this text I drop the mini flowers for real imagination of the above story :D
Beautiful ^^ kbaii :')

Sunday 11 September 2011

Happy + Sad + Surprising = OMDG is this true? :")

Assalamuailakum yall :)
Update again :) WHY? Haha. Tanya sama pokok. Hihihi >.<
Nope lah. Tonight I am so happy because I've got text from him :)) Winkwink*
Yall know what he said? He said he want to live here!!!
OMDG!!! Is this true? :O I cannot believe this. Haha at first lo.
He questioning me ''is your dad need employees? I have to move out from this hell. I can't stand it anymore''
Pity my dear :'( Act, he got a lot misunderstanding with his sis. Poor~~
I don't know what to do. I ask my dad about that. Yall know what he respond?
Not respond at all. Grr~~ He just make a joke and question me why I'm befriend with boys.
Hello people, Is there any wrong if I'm befriend with ''BOYS''? Urghh~
Anyway, even I didn't get the answer from dad -.- but I'll try my best to find a suit employment for FE .

Can miles truly separate you from friends... If you want to be with someone you love, aren't you already there?
Richard Bach 

Friday 9 September 2011

After SPM. where to go? :)

Assalamuailakum yall :)
May i speaking english here? Haha. of course can. My blog mah. :D
okay okay, straight to the point, what i'm going to blahblahblah today is about my next step.
Huh, what i wanna-be? A doctor? An actress, a model? NO WAY! HAHA.
That's not my taste LOL. Even I came from science class, it doesn't meant that I love to make science as part of my life. YEWW! Please okay :D 
Err, actually i like to tell yall that i love to shoot people!! GODDAMN! 
It's really fantastic man! It's really make me so passion about this career.
I meant, I really really want to take part as photographer for the rest of my life. HUHU my life you know.
That meant what? I like to play with the CAMERA!! 
Wanna see my work? Heheh. Firstly, don't get shock when yall see my work okay. HAHA.

Well, there's a lot of photos left, but I don't want to upload it. Lazy mah. :D
So, how? can I be a photographer? HAHA #inmydreammaybe#
Even I only use SANYO CAMERA, it's make a totally like HELL canon pict.
Maybe it's me who thought it. How about yall? HAHA
Funny things lah. But I never laugh my self for this. 
I just try to push my self to be myself in what I do :)
Kbaii ><