Wednesday 14 September 2011

Yellow flower for me :)

Wee~ today was an awesome day dude :) you know what?  Because MR.S give me mini sunflower! Dude, can you imagine that? Can you feel that? Haha. Err, he took that flower from somewhere else lah. Bukan beli mah -.- 
If buy, of course it will be charged rite? HAHA. This one no charged lah. But for me he is so adorable! Haha
I loike~ I felt like want to kiss him, but urghh i just ignore that way. Haha. His GF might kill me also if she know bout this. Haizz ~ cobaan -.- I think, both of us like each other but ego and shy have conquer us. Heheh #maybe# But this my wrongness lah. Why I must love two people in one time? WTF for me! 
This is my trilogy love. Ceewahh -,- sound like bastard.
Anyway peeps, in mahart still got FE mah :) NO kompromi. HAHA.
Seriously, I love both of them but I have crushed many time by MR.S T.T
Like my favorite band say ''I STILL LOVING YOU'' by scorpion. perghh~
Enough said, below this text I drop the mini flowers for real imagination of the above story :D
Beautiful ^^ kbaii :')

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